Thursday, September 29, 2005

Things that I enjoy

My Family.... then in NO particular order .....

1. Macs (except when they bugger up)
2. Watching a Good SCI Fi show, like BSG or Firefly
3. Having a TRUE friend
4. Receiving good customer service
5. A courteous driver
6. Listening to calming music like Moby, Jean Micheal Jarre etc
7. Talking to open minded people
8. A peaceful walk in the bush or holiday (cant remember last time I had one of those :-( )
9. A thunderstorm and lightning storm and heavy rain (weather fascinates me)
10. Cool weather (hate heat)
11. A lovely meal eating out or in
12. Playing Halo
13. People who don't bash Mac's
14. People with a wicked sense of humour
15. A good podcast
16. A Good Coffee
17. Good company

(Got anything to add??... send it to me, and I will see it makes my list)

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